primary care provider and patient

You Need a Primary Care Provider

You're busy, and it's often hard to prioritize your health. That's where a primary care provider can offer support. Your primary care doctor will prioritize you and help manage your health.

28% of men and 17% of women do not regularly see a primary care provider. Many adults choose to visit a doctor only when they have a pressing medical concern. Whether or not you are ill, a primary care physician is vital for keeping you healthy, preventing issues from becoming more serious, and understanding your health history over time.

Build a Relationship with a PCP

Primary care physicians treat people, not diseases. Year after year your physician will get to know you as an individual, and not as a health concern to address in the course of a single visit. He or she will learn your health history and lifestyle, and offer expertise for your specific needs. As your life changes, you can get connected, quality care from your PCP.

Physicians of internal medicine, also called internists, are specialized caregivers. While other PCPs may specialize in family medicine or pediatrics, internists offer comprehensive primary care for just adults. Individuals managing chronic diseases or who may simply want to address preventive care may choose to become a patient of an internist.

Use a PCP for Continuity of Care

PCPs are a great first line of defense. Your continued relationship with your physician allows him or her to focus on prevention, rather than reactive care. Yearly checkups help catch issues that may be developing or may be at risk of developing because your physician can detect patterns in your health over time. For example, if your blood pressure is beginning to look a bit high, your PCP may suggest a dietary change and monitor the results at a follow-up visit.

Another benefit to becoming the patient of a primary care physician is that they have a wide range of knowledge. You have the freedom to choose a PCP with a background in a particular area of care, and they can help pinpoint health concerns that may have otherwise led to an expensive trip to a specialist. PCPs are a great lifelong resource, and with tools like Find a Doc and Virtual Care, a skilled physician is available at your convenience.


Access Community’s Find a Doc tool today to schedule an appointment with a PCP near you. Your continued good health is worth it.