Patient Testimonial

Janaé Swan

Patient Testimonial

Breast Cancer
Community MD Anderson Cancer Center - North

7979 N Shadeland Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46250

I got dressed and came out and there were all these people waiting for me to ring the bell. To ring that bell was just so emotional.

In January 2021, Janaé discovered she had stage 2 breast cancer as a result of a routine screening mammogram. On May 17 that same year, she rang the bell at the cancer center and was cancer free.

Janae, breast surgeon Dr. Graybill and husband, Scott
Janaé, Dr. Gianan Graybill
(radiation oncologist), and
Janaé's husband, Scott.

Knowing that that 15 minute mammogram saved her life, Janaé knew there was a higher purpose for her to go through this - to encourage ladies to go get their mammograms. Leaning on her faith, she knew that moving forward she needed to share her faith, beat cancer and promote mammograms.

One way she wanted to help other women was to pray for them. So she bought a prayer calendar and put it out on Facebook. She asked women to send her their mammogram dates and told them she would pray for them. Today, her prayer book is filled with women she doesn't even know, from all over the US who've given her their mammogram dates. The night before the mammogram she reaches out to them and talks with them. Sometimes it just takes a little nudge.

Janaé knows that if she can be that person to others, then going through cancer was worth it to give her this platform to share her incredible journey with others.

She reminds us, "To get regular mammograms, it's so important, so important. It's 15 minutes. What are you waiting for? 15 minutes let me live another year so I can enjoy my family and friends. It's 15 minutes and it can save your life. And I know it saved mine."

Schedule a Mammogram Today!

Janaé Swan

Breast Diagnostic Services
Breast care services available to diagnose and treat benign and malignant breast disease include breast MRI, 3D mammography, breast sonography/ultrasound, biopsy, ductography and more.
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