Woman in her 60s

Screenings in Your 60s

Every woman is unique—and so is your health history. Talk to your primary care doctor about the specific screenings that are right for you based on your lifestyle and family history.

We make it easy to start the conversation. Download a screenings checklist to take to your next doctor's appointment. Need to make an appointment? Call 317-621-2727.

Download Checklist

Most Common Screenings

Bones icon
Bone Density

Monitors your risk for osteoporosis

Mammogram icon

Catches potential cancer risks early

A1C test icon
A1C Test

Helps monitor your risk for diabetes

Colon icon
Colorectal Health

Checks your colon for potential cancer risks

Mental health icon
Mental Health

Ensures your mind and body are in tune

Reproductive health icon
Reproductive Health

Checks for cysts, STIs or cancer risks

Older woman hulahooping

My Screening Story

How often do you think about your pelvic health? If you’re like most women, not often. But, you shouldn’t ignore what your uterus or reproductive system is trying to tell you. If you’re experiencing menopause, irregular menstruation, hot flashes, fibroids, or pelvic pressure and pain, talk to your doctor about a pelvic health screening. A simple screening can help you feel better, increase your drive or prevent more serious health conditions from developing.


Women's Health Screenings at Every Age