Therapy Cost Information

The Community Difference

What makes Community Health Network PT & Rehab different from other therapy providers? Community PT & Rehab provides additional value to patients through:

  • One-On-One Care: We don't "double-book" patients. All your treatment sessions/visits involve only one-on-one time with your therapist. You will not have to share your visit/appointment with another patient!
  • Quality and Efficiency: National benchmarking and comparison data proves that, on average, Community Health Network PT & Rehab clinicians are efficient and economical with therapy visits and charges. Our department is significantly better than national averages on "utilization," which means that we tend to get patients better, faster.
  • Patient Satisfaction: Community Health Network PT & Rehab department ranks in the top 15% in the country in patient satisfaction on NRC Picker surveys.

Cost Estimates

Patients who are referred by their doctor for outpatient therapy may end up seeing their therapist for varying periods of time. For patients who have primary insurance and who end up paying something out of pocket, the average cost for a therapy visit for physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech therapy may differ. To help patients plan ahead for these services, we offer two easy ways to receive an estimated cost for therapy services.

Express Estimates

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Get an immediate, self-serve price estimate through MyChart - no account or login required!

  • Browse hundreds of common medical services
  • Get estimates based on insurance
  • Unlimited estimates
  • Private results can be emailed

Get a MyChart Estimate

Pricing Support Center

Pricing Support background

Estimates for out-of-pocket costs are always available through our Pricing Support Center.

  • Request estimate online or by phone at 844-786-9503 (toll-free) or 317-355-9279
  • Estimates for any medical service
  • Estimates for services not billed by Community

Request Price Estimate Online

Additional Cost Information

While estimates provide a benchmark for what an outpatient therapy patient might generally expect to pay out-of-pocket (after insurance has paid their part), it’s important to remember:

  • First visit may cost more due to the evaluation.
  • Insurance plans vary widely in what they do and do not cover, and can vary widely in how much they will pay for certain services.
  • Additional unique features of a patient’s insurance plan - such as deductibles, copayments and/or co-insurance - can result in different additional out-of-pocket expenses for medical services (including outpatient therapy).
  • The average total number (and length) of clinic visits that a patient can expect to have in outpatient therapy can also vary widely depending a patient’s unique individual therapy needs, and many factors can affect this, including (but not limited to):
    • Diagnosis
    • Referring physician’s orders
    • Severity of injury and number of body parts involved
    • Other medical and health factors that can affect a person’s ability to heal
    • Compliance with therapist’s instructions and treatment