Male Fertility (Andrology) Services

Community offers a full range of andrology services for male infertility, including semen analysis, sperm freezing (cryopreservation), sperm washing for intrauterine insemination procedures, and sperm DNA assessment. We work closely with urologists specially trained in male fertility evaluation and treatment.

To make an appointment for male fertility services, please call 317-621-0600 or visit our Contact Us page. Appointments are available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Below we offer some recommendations for male partners of couples with infertility.

Recommendations for Male Partners

Semen/Sperm Analysis

Semen analysis is often one of the first tests providers order as part of a fertility evaluation. Approximately 40 percent of couples experiencing infertility are found to have an issue with the male partner. A semen analysis is a useful screening test that provides information about sperm quality. Factors evaluated are sperm count, sperm motility (how well sperm move), sperm morphology (whether sperm have a normal shape), and semen volume.

Sperm Washing for Intrauterine Insemination

Semen samples used for intrauterine insemination procedures must be washed before insemination. This is done to separate motile sperm from immotile sperm and other components of the semen sample. The motile sperm are then suspended in a small amount of sterile liquid and used for the insemination procedure.

Sperm Cryopreservation (Freezing)

There are several situations when men may wish to have sperm preserved for future use, including men who are going to have medical treatments such as chemotherapy that may result in sterility. Additionally, if male partners will be unavailable during a cycle, sperm can be frozen for use in an insemination procedure. Semen samples are frozen in a special solution that protects against damage during the freezing process, and the samples are then stored in liquid nitrogen tanks until needed. Sperm may be frozen for many years and survive thawing. Additionally, our practice can freeze and store sperm or testicular tissue from male fertility procedures, if needed.

Sperm DNA Assessment

Sperm DNA fragmentation can happen if there is oxidative damage during sperm production. This test can be part of the fertility evaluation and evaluation of conditions such as varicocele in men. We offer the Halosperm test in our office.