Doctor Talking about Pre-Pregnancy

3 Simple Tips for Pregnancy Planning

Are you ready for the experience of your life? Start by making sure you're healthy. With these three tips you’ll be in great shape to start your healthy pregnancy journey.

Get a Pre-Pregnancy Check-Up

The sooner you start planning your pregnancy the better. There are a handful of health appointments you’ll want to schedule three months before you want to conceive, if possible. These visits will make sure you and your partner are in great physical condition to bring a new member into your family.

  • Both you and your partner should visit your doctor for a pre-pregnancy health checkup
  • Visit the dentist to check for potential problems ahead of time
  • Make time for breast health with a mammogram, if needed

Surprised to see the dentist on this list? Often, when patients are expecting, their own health gets put on the back burner. According to Dr. Jenna Rae Voirol, “Dental disease is a known risk factor for negative obstetrical outcomes.” Making sure moms are healthy is a great way to make sure babies are healthy.

Know What To Expect at Your Visit

When you have your pre-pregnancy office visit, you can expect these examinations and tests. These are all routine exams for women’s wellness, but don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor if you have any questions:

  • Pelvic exam
  • Pap test
  • Sexually transmitted infection tests
  • Urinalysis test
  • Vaccinations
  • Blood test
  • Blood pressure check

Dr. Voirol also uses this opportunity to discuss with patients different risk factors for pregnancy that are specific to them. She also walks patients through the different management tools that can be used after a patient does get pregnant to help decrease those risks. “I find that most people appreciate knowing the risk that comes with pregnancy in general,” says Dr. Voirol. “Understanding the risks allows people the opportunity to make informed decisions.”

Talk With Your Doctor

Before you visit your doctor, take a moment to jot down important information about your health, lifestyle and medical history. Here’s a list of questions about health issues that could impact conception and pregnancy. Write down your answers and take them with you to your appointment.

  • What health problems or medical conditions have you had?
  • What vaccinations have you had and when?
  • What medical conditions run in your family?
  • What drugs and supplements do you take?
  • What types of contraception have you used?
  • What’s your history of menstruation problems and pregnancies?
  • Have you had any sexually transmitted infections or diseases?
  • How active is your lifestyle?
  • What kind of diet do you have?
  • What chemicals are you exposed to?
  • Do you or your partner smoke?
  • How well do you handle stress?
  • Have you had trouble conceiving?

For Dr. Voirol, “I want all of my patients to know that my role is to be their advocate and empower them to have the safest, healthiest, and most enjoyable pregnancy they can. It is a team effort and future parents should never feel like they don’t have a voice in their own healthcare.” Having open communication with a doctor helps patients through a time that is often filled with excitement, nerves, and anticipation.

Start your pregnancy journey with Community. Meet specialists like Dr. Voirol, explore our maternity suites, and learn about the levels of care we offer for moms and their babies on our pregnancy landing page.