Talk to Doctor about Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Talk to Doctor About Your Breast Health

Almost all of us know someone who was diagnosed with breast cancer, and many of us wear pink ribbons with pride, or participate in walks that fundraise for cancer research. Chances are breast cancer is on your mind. But, what are the chances you will get breast cancer?

Generally, 1 in 4 women get breast cancer. But, everyone is different. It's important that you understand your specific risk of breast cancer. Your breast​ ​health risk assessment​ gave you an idea of where to start finding answers, but here are some more specifics that can help you talk to your doctor about your breast health. 

Start a Conversation with Your Doctor

Breast cancer doesn’t wait — neither should you. You’ve been given a heads-up about your health that many women don’t get before it’s too late. Take advantage of this opportunity to strike first. Confronting breast cancer is scary, but early detection is your best chance to fight back. So, don't put off talking to your doctor.

The first step is to​ ​schedule an appointment with your doctor​. Bring along a copy of your health risk assessment results, and your list of questions. We’ve provided some starting points below:

  • What if I have a family member with breast cancer?
  • What parts of my lifestyle increase my risk?
  • How often should I come back in to check on my breast health?
  • If a screening shows something, what’s my next step?
  • How often should I come in for a mammogram?

Know What to Expect at Your Visit

You and your doctor will work together to make a comprehensive plan for your breast health. You’ll discuss any lifestyle changes you may want to consider, as well as a routine for checking your breasts. They’ll recommend self-exams you can do at home and the screenings you need to be proactive about your health.

Your doctor might recommend a mammogram during your visit. Community offers 3D mammography, which is the most advanced screening technology. This procedure gets a significantly better view of your breast tissue than traditional screenings, so there are fewer false positives. You can learn more about 3D mammograms and their benefits​ ​right here.

Get Your Screening

If you’ve never had a mammogram, here’s what will happen. A radiologic technician will place your breasts one at a time between an x-ray plate and a plastic plate. The plates will compress the breasts to spread the breast tissue out and obtain a clearer picture. While this maybe slightly uncomfortable, mammograms do not hurt. 

A mammogram takes less than half an hour, and can give you peace of mind for the rest of the year. If you don’t want to wait until the day of your doctor’s appointment, you can find a convenient location for a walk-in mammogram​ ​right here.