Cigarette Butt Put Out on Floor

What Happens When You Quit Smoking?

Nearly 37 million Americans smoke cigarettes, but today, we are surrounded by more former smokers than current smokers. If you've recently quit smoking, below are the positive changes coming your way. If you're considering quitting, here is some motivation! (See full-text transcript below infographic.)

Smoking Cessation Infographic 2020

Infographic Transcript: What Happens When You Quit Smoking?

After your last cigarette, your body immediately begins to work to make things right. Some effects are seen after minutes, and some after years. No matter why you want to quit, you will benefit in both health and wealth when you do.

  • Brain receptors connected to nicotine cravings look like that of a non-smoker. Cravings become less powerful.
  • Your hair looks brighter and smells better. Your complexion improves as skin receives more oxygen and nutrients.
  • Nerve endings repair and your senses of smell and taste improve.
  • Your gums and teeth health improve to levels of a non-smoker. Your teeth get whiter. Your breath smells better.
  • Blood circulation improves. Blood pressure and heart rate normalize. Nicotine in your blood decreases. Your risk for a smoking-related heart attack drops.
  • Lung function improves. Cilia grow in your lungs improving air capacity and your ability to fight lung infection. Fatigue and shortness of breath subsides. Smoking-related coughs disappear.*
  • Your risk of heart attack, stroke and coronary heart disease is less than 50% of that of a smoker.
  • Stains on fingers and nails will disappear.

*If chronic cough lasts longer than three months after you quit smoking, see a physician. This could be a sign of lung cancer.