Fireworks display

Safely Celebrate the Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is a time for BBQs, parades and fireworks. Fireworks can be a fun and memorable way to celebrate special events, but it's important to keep safety top-of-mind.

The use of fireworks can be dangerous, so it is critical to follow all safety guidelines and carefully supervise children.

The National Safety Council suggests these precautions while using fireworks:

  • Make handling fireworks off-limits for children.
  • Set off fireworks in areas that are clear of people, away from homes and other buildings, and away from anything flammable.
  • Keep your distance after lighting a firework, and only light one firework at a time.
  • Never light a firework inside a container.
  • If a firework doesn't ignite, don't try again. Instead, douse with water and discard.
  • Be sure to keep a bucket of water near.

If you happen to burn yourself from a sparkler or firework it's important to attend to the wound. 

  • Minor burns can be treated by cooling with water (do not use ice), then covering with sterile gauze. If the burn hurts, use over-the-counter pain medications as directed.
  • More severe burns should be treated by a healthcare provider. It is vital that 911 is called for serious burns or injuries.
  • Never apply egg whites, butter or ointments to a burn. Doing so can complicate a medical evaluation and increase the risk for infection. Always consult a doctor first before using ointments.

If you are injured while celebrating the Fourth of July, Community has numerous urgent care clinics and Emergency Rooms to serve you.