FigLeaf cancer boutique patient and professional fitter

Going Beyond Traditional Breast Cancer Care

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’re raising awareness about the many services Community offers to combat this disease, which affects 1 in 8 American women. Cancer services go beyond treatment to care for the whole person. Here are a few ways our patients can get support for other life aspects impacted by breast cancer.

Visit the FigLeaf Boutique

FigLeaf Boutique Cancer Care is a one-stop shop for breast cancer patients to feel better, look better and live better. The boutique offers the support patients deserve during their treatment with privacy and dignity.

“FigLeaf is a health and specialty boutique where women can ask those sensitive questions and receive reassuring professional advice,” says Katie Magennis, manager of the boutique. “We’re dedicated and passionate about making FigLeaf a place where women can feel understood and respected.”

Cancer treatment and recovery products including skin care items, hats and scarves are all available without leaving the Community campus. Certified fitters are also on staff to assist with mastectomy bras, prosthesis fittings and wig fittings.

Explore Alternate Therapies

In addition to traditional treatment options, the integrated healthcare practice at Community Cancer Center North offers alternative therapies to assist in patient rehabilitation. Integrative medicine like herbal therapy treatments address the emotional and spiritual comfort of the patient, and are a helpful companion to traditional treatments. Other offers like massaging can help heal scar tissue and help with relaxation, while cupping offers the same benefits by utilizing suction rather than physical touch.

The Community Health Network Foundation also offers group therapy sessions to relax the body and mind. One option is the art therapy program, where patients discover and express emotions through immersion in music and creative outlets. Tai chi and other exercise classes are also available to maintain a regular workout routine during the stay.

Whether you’re scheduling a screening or seeking rehabilitative care, Community offers a helping hand throughout your journey.

See how we can help.