Ways to prevent colon cancer

7 ways to prevent colon cancer

Cancer and nutrition experts say that more than 50 percent of colorectal cancers are preventable by combining a diet that includes fiber with daily physical activity and weight management. Try these easy diet and nutrition tips to protect yourself against colon cancer.

Eat more fiber.
Just 10 grams of fiber a day can reduce your risk for colorectal cancer by 10 percent. You'll find fiber in whole grain breads, cereals, oatmeal and beans. 

Pile on the produce.
Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Try deep green/cruciferous veggies and red and orange fruits. 

Limit processed and red meats.
Try fish and meatless meals that include beans for protein.

Drink in moderation.
More than one drink for women or two drinks for men per day increases colon cancer risk by 14 percent.

Keep an eye on the scale.
Your risk for colon cancer increases if you are overweight. Be sure to check your body mass index (BMI). You can consult your physician or a nutritionist for help calculating that number.

Get moving.
Try to include at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five days a week. This will help you maintain a healthy weight, which can decrease your cancer risk.

Quit smoking.
The health risks far outweigh the benefits. Quitting smoking will help decrease your risk for colon, and many other cancers. Take steps to quit today!

Don't be a statistic. Schedule a colonoscopy.

Did you know that 1 in 3 Americans don't follow guidelines for preventive colorectal cancer screenings? Colonoscopy is the most thorough way to check for polyps that can become colon cancer. When found early, more than 90 percent of colon cancer patients live longer due to early detection. Call us today to schedule your colonoscopy at 800-777-7775.